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    • 23 December
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    Let’s Ban “How About This Weather?” Small Talk Topics To Jump Start Any Conversation

    As you know, the holidays are full of parties and family/friend get-togethers.

    But sometimes just the thought of starting a conversation with new people can make me want to head straight for the bar and the nearest wall (preferably by an exit).

    I used to think that I was the only one that found small talk anxiety provoking. However, once I started making an effort to engage, I realized that most people struggle and are grateful that I made an effort to authentically start a conversation.

    Over the years, I’ve gotten pretty good at asking people questions but small talk topics can still sometimes be a challenge.

    That’s why I was happy to come across an article in Real Simple Magazine over the weekend regarding conversation starters.

    I’ve taken the ones I would like to be asked and added a couple of my own.

    So if you get a little anxious when it comes to meeting new people, try some of these topics or add your own topics to the list.

    I’m going to copy this list to my phone so I look at it before going to a party. That way the ideas will be fresh in my head.

    Let’s Get The Conversation Started!

    1. What was the first concert you ever went to?
    2. Give a compliment (make sure you mean it though).
    3. Do you like to read? If so, what are you reading these days?
    4. If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life what would it be?
    5. Are you binge watching anything on TV lately? Any recommendations?
    6. Have you tried any new restaurants?
    7. Do you have any upcoming trips or events you’re excited about?
    8. How did your parents come up with your name?
    9. What’s the best meal you’ve ever eaten?
    10. What was your favorite dessert as a kid and what is it now?

    Set An Intention

    I also like to set an intention on my way to the event. It’s typically something simple like, “I’m going to have fun and really connect with at least one person.”

    Setting a simple intention puts me in the right frame of mind to be a conversation starter instead of letting others do the work.


    Small talk is something everyone struggles with from time to time but with a little practice, your confidence will grow.

    I’d love to hear what you come up and I’m sure everyone would to! Just email me with your suggestions ([email protected]) and I’ll pass them along.

    I also created a quick tapping video (which you can access HERE) to help you deal with the stress of holiday parties. Tapping before going to a party, can help you relax and enjoy the party.



    Eva Lewandowski MBA, is a certified Life Coach, certified EFT Practitioner, seminar leader, speaker and co-host of a weekly internet radio show “Corporate Talk with Charlie and Eva”. She is also a 30 year veteran of Corporate America as an IT consultant. Using the skills she learned in acting classes, life coaching and EFT certification training as well as her struggle with debilitating stage fright, she created, Stand Up and Be Heard!, a program that teaches professionals how to overcome their fear of the spotlight. She is also the author of “Put on Your Phone Face: Tips and Techniques for teleconferences and conference calls”.

     To learn more about Eva click here.


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