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    • 14 March
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    “I Don’t Know What To Say When I Start Recording!”


    In my last post I discussed why it’s a bad idea to script your presentation because the way we speak is very different from the way we write.  You can read the post HERE. It’s a quick read.

    I did get some feedback on that post. Most revolved around step 1: Record Yourself | Before you write ANYTHING, start talking into the voice recorder on your phone.

    The comments I received can be summarized as ​”when I turn on the recorder, I get completely stuck and don’t know what to say.”

    ​​​​​​​I get it. You may be stuck for a couple reasons:
    • Nerves may be kicking in and that adrenaline rush is putting you into “freeze” mode. You may not even be cognizant of it. OR
    • Your communication style is more structured and you need some context to springboard from.
    If you think you’re stuck, use these tips to move forward.
    • Determine what you want from your audience | Are you providing information or do you want them to take action? Take time to figure this out, then write it down. Remember this can easily change, it’s just a starting point. When you start talking you may find that you want them to know/do something completely different. That’s okay, that’s what the practice is for.
    • Create a loose outline | Bullet the key points you want to make. You can adjust it later as you start to practice.
    • Picture yourself speaking with a friend or colleague | Remember you’re the expert (that’s why they asked you to speak). Try to get into the moment. Imagine what was happening right before you started talking. If you have a hard time creating an actual picture in your mind’s eye then feel what it’s like to talk with someone you’re comfortable with.
    • Get Grounded | Plant both feet on the ground, take a few deep slow breaths (inhale through your nose for a count of 4, hold for a count of 4, exhale through your nose  for a count of 4), feel yourself getting “rooted” to the ground. You can also do a few rounds of tapping if you’re feeling nervous.
    • Start Recording | Using your outline, begin talking to your friend or colleague. Remember you’re just talking at this point.  You’re sharing your knowledge, like you would at dinner if this topic came up. Remember, you can beef it up later.
    This should help get you started. Then continue to use the steps I outlined in the previous post.

    Play with these suggestions and see what works best for you. The goal is to always speak from a calm, grounded, authentic place.

    If nerves are still getting the best of you, I have tools and techniques that will help. You can learn about them HERE.

    Keep practicing! Eva

    Eva Lewandowski MBA, is public speaking coach, that specializes in helping clients overcome stage fright. She is a certified Life Coach, certified EFT Practitioner, seminar leader, speaker and co-host of a weekly internet radio show “Corporate Talk with Charlie and Eva”. She is also a 30 year veteran of Corporate America as an IT consultant. Using the skills she learned in acting classes, life coaching and EFT certification training as well as her own struggle with debilitating stage fright, she created, Stand Up and Be Heard! Public Speaking for Private Professionals, an online, interactive course that teaches professionals how to overcome their fear of the spotlight. She is also the author of “Put on Your Phone Face: Tips and Techniques for teleconferences and conference calls”.

    To learn more about me and my services click here.

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