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    • 30 June
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    How to Use Acting Methods to Harness Your Fear of Public Speaking and Shine in the Spotlight!

    Let’s face it, work can be tough. It doesn’t matter if you’re working for yourself or a corporation.

    Plus if you’re someone that struggles with nerves when the spotlight turns on you, it can feel impossible at times to be seen or heard. Yet, it’s crucial for your career or your business!

    As someone that has struggled with debilitating stage fright, I know how tough it can be to share even your ideas!

    If you’re feeling invisible, it may be time to add some acting to your resume!

    No need to run to the Actor’s Studio though because we’re all actors! Every single one of us has acted at one time or another.

    For example, if you’ve ever told someone that the meal was delicious when the reality was you were thinking about the quickest way to the ER and the person bought it, you’ve acted. If you ever told your co-workers that the report is really close to completion when you only have the notes “in your head” you’ve acted.

    Just accept it, you’re an actor baby!

    Many times I hear, “So you’ve been teaching us to be ourselves and now you’re saying you need to act. What the….”

    I want you to be yourself but your most confident self. So if you have stage fright, stepping confidently into the spotlight is going to take a bit of acting in the beginning. 

    Here’s how to start.


    So how do actors prepare for a role?

    One way is they embody their character physically.

    Grabbing an audience’s attention is all about presence. How you enter. How you begin. The passion you bring to the presentation or the meeting.

    Before you speak, your presence alone speaks volumes.

    Think of Daniel Craig in his role as 007. He’s not the biggest guy in the room but you definitely know who’s in charge without him saying a word.

    You too can channel your inner 007 by taking the next step.


    Start with the following:

    • Survey the room
    • Feel the floor and the room. Visualize yourself shooting roots into the ground. (YES, this really works, it’s called grounding!)
    • Breathe deeply
    • Sit or stand tall
    • Take up physical space even if you’re on the phone or sitting down

    Think about how 007 enters a room or sits at a Blackjack table. You can see his confidence and before he speaks. You can do this too!

    For example, as you walk to the podium, the front of the conference room or if you’re just sitting around a conference table or even on the phone. Own the space! Shoulders back, eye contact, feet firmly planted on the ground. No swaying. Stay still and throw that energy into your voice. Feel the confidence, FEEL IT before you even begin to speak or even if you’re just listening.


    Now, if you start to feel like contracting (hiding), EXPAND! Physically take up space, even if you don’t feel like it. Think Beyonce, Mick Jagger, Bruno Mars. Their presence dominates! They look fearless even though Beyonce and Adele admit they struggle with stage fright.

    By owning your space, you don’t have to say a word you’ll look engaged.


    If/when the spotlight turns on you, SLOW DOWN! Way down. Nervousness shows in how fast we talk and the tempo of our voice. If you’re a fast talker, what feels slow to you is going to be the perfect tempo. Take a deep breath. A really deep breath. Take a minute, then look around the room, feel the love.


    You can practice these quick tips anywhere, even if you don’t have to speak or if you’re on a conference call. Your physical presence says a lot about how you feel about yourself and it carries over into your voice.

    You can also use the voice recorder on your phone or laptop to practice how you sound. Just record yourself making a presentation, answering a question, or presenting an idea. You only need to record a few minutes.

    Since we all hate the sound of our voice at first, commit to listening to yourself 4 times in a row. This will help you get used to the sound of your own voice. You can then critique yourself on the 5th listen.

    As you listen to yourself, make a few notes. How do you sound?

    • Confident or fearful?
    • Tired or energized?
    • Too fast or too slow?
    • Knowledgeable or hesitant?

    Many times we feel we are coming off confident when in fact we sound hesitant. Now adjust your tone and try it again.

    I guarantee if you didn’t like what you heard the first time you will the second time.

    Practicing will help you feel and sound more confident and polished. So don’t fight it just…

    DO IT!

    Now that you’ve had some practice, it’s time to speak up! Start in small increments especially if the thought of stepping into the spotlight is too frightening. Share more than normal in meetings,  volunteer to facilitate or lead a meeting, or make a quick presentation.

    The best way to start moving through your fear is to embrace it. Each small success will move you on your way to learn to love the spotlight.

    It’s important to share your knowledge and gifts! The world wants to hear from you!

    Eva Lewandowski MBA, is a certified Life Coach, certified EFT Practitioner, seminar leader, speaker and co-host of a weekly internet radio show “Corporate Talk with Charlie and Eva”. She is also a 30 year veteran of Corporate America as an IT consultant. Using the skills she learned in acting classes, life coaching and EFT certification training as well as her struggle with debilitating stage fright, she created, Stand Up and Be Heard!, a program that teaches professionals how to overcome their fear of the spotlight. She is also the author of “Put on Your Phone Face: Tips and Techniques for teleconferences and conference calls”.

     To learn more about Eva click here.


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