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    • 31 December
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    Happy New Year! It’s Time to Accentuate the Positive!

    What I like about the new year is that it’s a time for reflection and what better way to reflect then to make a list of all your accomplishments for 2015! The process is easy. Just give yourself a good half hour of uninterrupted time to list out everything that went right this year.

    And while listing your accomplishments, remember everything counts! Don’t hold back!

    1. You didn’t kill your brother-in-law at Thanksgiving even though he was being a jerk- accomplishment!
    2. You stood up to the bully at work – accomplishment!
    3. You finally figured out where the health club is and where to park – accomplishment!

    You get the idea! Many times we forget all the good we’ve accomplished and focus on what didn’t happen. This time, focus on the good but make sure to write down your list. I like to go back to mine when I’m feeling down. It perks me right up!

    Once you get 2015 done, in 2016 start listing your accomplishments monthly, weekly or why not get really ambitious and try daily! This way you won’t forget all the good things you do!

    Focusing on what’s working will help to keep you in a positive mindset and that’s what will keep you moving in the direction of your dreams in 2016!

    So instead of resolving to do better why not give yourself a pat on the back for what you did accomplish and carry that tradition through to 2016!

    Happy New Year!

    Eva Lewandowski MBA, is a certified Life Coach, certified EFT Practitioner, seminar leader, speaker and co-host of a weekly internet radio show “Corporate Talk with Charlie and Eva”. She is also a 30 year veteran of Corporate America as an IT consultant. Using the skills she learned in acting classes, life coaching and EFT certification training as well as her struggle with debilitating stage fright, she created, Stand Up and Be Heard!, a program that teaches professionals how to overcome their fear of the spotlight. She is also the author of “Put on Your Phone Face: Tips and Techniques for teleconferences and conference calls”.

     To learn more about Eva CLICK HERE!

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